Homework 07: Markov Chains#

%matplotlib inline
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import seaborn as sns; sns.set()
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd

Problem 1#

We showed in class that a Markov chain can have long-range dependencies,

\[ \Large P(X_n\mid X_{n-k}) \ne P(X_n) \; , \]

and commented that dependent random variables are usually, but not necessarily, correlated:

\[ \Large \rho \equiv \frac{\langle (X_n - \mu) (X_{n-k} - \mu)\rangle}{\sigma^2} \ne 0 \; , \]

where \(\mu\) and \(\sigma\) are the chain’s long-term mean and standard deviation, respectively.

However, it is possible to define (fairly artificial) distributions with dependent random variables that are uncorrelated. For example:

  • \(x_1\) is uniformly distributed in \([-1,+1]\).

  • \(x_2 = |x_1|\).

Implement the function below to generate a dataset with these two features. Hints:

  • Use uniform() to generate values of \(x_1\).

  • Use np.corrcoef() to calculate the correlation coefficient \(\rho\).

def generate(n, seed):
    """Generate a dataset with two dependent but uncorrelated features.
    n : int
        Number of samples to generate.
    seed : int
        Seed to use for reproducible random numbers.
        Tuple (X, rho) of generated data X with shape (n, 2) and the
        correlation coefficient rho of the generated data.
    raise NotImplementedError()
# A correct solution should pass these tests.
X, _ = generate(n=3, seed=1)
assert np.all(np.round(X, 3) == [[-0.166,  0.166], [ 0.441,  0.441], [-1.000,  1.000]])
X, _ = generate(n=3, seed=2)
assert np.all(np.round(X, 3) == [[-0.128,  0.128], [-0.948,  0.948], [ 0.099,  0.099]])
_, rho = generate(n=10000, seed=3)
assert np.abs(rho) < 0.002

You have now demonstrated that \(\rho \simeq 0\), and a plot of this dataset should convince you that \(x_1\) and \(x_2\) are (highly) dependent:

X, rho = generate(n=50, seed=4)
plt.scatter(X[:, 0], X[:, 1], s=5)
plt.xlabel('$x$'); plt.ylabel('$y$')
plt.text(-0.22, 0.9, '$\\rho = {:.3f}$'.format(rho), fontsize='x-large');

Problem 2#

In this problem, you will implement a Metropolis update rule to sample a Markov chain for the un-normalized probability density:

\[ \Large P(x, y) \propto \frac{1}{2} \exp\left[-\frac{(x/s)^2 + (y s)^2}{2}\right] + \frac{1}{2} \exp\left[-\frac{(x s)^2 + (y/s)^2}{2}\right] \]

with hyperparameter \(s > 0\).

def P(x,y,s):
    return 0.5 * (np.exp(-0.5 * ((x / s) ** 2 + (y * s) ** 2)) + np.exp(-0.5 * ((x * s) ** 2 + (y / s) ** 2)))
def plot_P(s=3, lim=5):
    fig = plt.figure(figsize=(6, 6))
    xy = np.linspace(-lim, +lim, 250)
    Pxy = P(xy, xy[:, np.newaxis], s)
    plt.contour(xy, xy, Pxy, [0.1, 0.2, 0.3], colors='r')

Implement the function below to perform a Metropolis update starting from \((x,y)\) and using a Gaussian proposal distribution \(Q(x,y)\) centered at \((0,0)\) with standard deviation \(\sigma\) along both coordinates. Use the “random walk” mode for your proposed updates. (Recall that Metropolis updates are a special case of Metropolis-Hastings updates where the ratio of \(Q\) factors cancels in the Hastings ratio.)

def metropolis_update(x, y, s, gen, sigma=1):
    """Perform a single Metropolis update.
    x : float
        Value of x from the previous step.
    y : float
        Value of y from the previous step.
    s : float
        Value of the hyperparameter s.
    gen : np.random.RandomState
        Random state to use for reproducible random samples.
    sigma : float
        Standard deviation of the Gaussian proposal distribution Q(x,y).
        Tuple (x,y) of the position after the update.

    raise NotImplementedError()
# A correct solution should pass these tests.
s, n = 3, 1000
gen = np.random.RandomState(seed=123)
# Generate steps from (0, 0) with sigma=1
xy = np.array([metropolis_update(0, 0, s, gen, sigma=1) for i in range(n)])
nrepeat = np.count_nonzero(np.all(xy == [0, 0], axis=1))
assert np.allclose(nrepeat / n, 0.69967, atol=0.1, rtol=0.1)
assert np.allclose(np.mean(xy, axis=0), [0, 0], atol=0.1, rtol=0.1)
# Generate steps from (5, 0) with sigma=1
xy = np.array([metropolis_update(5, 0, s, gen, sigma=1) for i in range(n)])
nrepeat = np.count_nonzero(np.all(xy == [5, 0], axis=1))
assert np.allclose(nrepeat / n, 0.70136, atol=0.1, rtol=0.1)
assert np.allclose(np.mean(xy, axis=0), [4.893, 0], atol=0.1, rtol=0.1)
# Generate steps from (1, -1) with sigma=1
xy = np.array([metropolis_update(1, -1, s, gen, sigma=1) for i in range(n)])
nrepeat = np.count_nonzero(np.all(xy == [1, -1], axis=1))
assert np.allclose(nrepeat / n, 0.26665, atol=0.1, rtol=0.1)
assert np.allclose(np.mean(xy, axis=0), [0.822, -0.822], atol=0.1, rtol=0.1)
# Generate steps from (1, -1) with sigma=2
xy = np.array([metropolis_update(1, -1, s, gen, sigma=2) for i in range(n)])
nrepeat = np.count_nonzero(np.all(xy == [1, -1], axis=1))
assert np.allclose(nrepeat / n, 0.43847, atol=0.1, rtol=0.1)
assert np.allclose(np.mean(xy, axis=0), [0.781, -0.781], atol=0.1, rtol=0.1)

Test your solution with the following visualization:

def plot_chain(update_rule, x0=0, y0=0, s=3, n_updates=200, lim=5, seed=123, **kwargs):
    gen = np.random.RandomState(seed=seed)
    path = [(x0, y0)]
    for i in range(n_updates):
        path.append(update_rule(*path[-1], s, gen, **kwargs))
    plot_P(s, lim)
    x, y = np.array(path).T
    plt.scatter(x, y, s=10, c='k')
    plt.plot(x, y, 'k-', lw=0.5, alpha=0.3)
    plt.xlim(-lim, +lim)
    plt.ylim(-lim, +lim)
plot_chain(metropolis_update, sigma=2.0)
plot_chain(metropolis_update, sigma=1.0)
plot_chain(metropolis_update, sigma=0.5)

Problem 3#

In this problem you will implement a Gibbs update rule for the same probability density.

Implement the function below to sample from the conditional distribution \(P(x\mid y)\).

Hint: each sample can be drawn from a single Gaussian with \(\sigma = s\) or \(\sigma = 1/s\) as long as you weight the contributions from each Gaussian correctly given \(y\).

def sample_conditional(y, s, gen):
    """Sample from the conditional distribution P(x | y).
    y : float
        Fixed value of y to use.
    s : float
        Value of the hyperparameter s.
    gen : np.random.RandomState
        Random state to use for reproducible random samples.
        Random value of x sampled from P(x | y).
    raise NotImplementedError()
# A correct solution should pass these tests.
s, n = 3, 10000
gen = np.random.RandomState(seed=123)
# With y=+/-4, the distribution of x should be narrow.
x = [sample_conditional(+4, s, gen) for i in range(n)]
assert np.allclose(np.percentile(x, (5, 50, 95)), [-0.549, 0, +0.549], atol=0.1, rtol=0.1)
x = [sample_conditional(-4, s, gen) for i in range(n)]
assert np.allclose(np.percentile(x, (5, 50, 95)), [-0.549, 0, +0.549], atol=0.1, rtol=0.1)
# With y=0, the distribution of x should have a narrow core and a wide tail.
x = [sample_conditional(0, s, gen) for i in range(n)]
assert np.allclose(np.percentile(x, (5, 25, 50, 75, 95)), [-3.84, -0.50, 0, +0.50, +3.84], atol=0.1, rtol=0.1)

Implement the function below to perform a Gibbs update consisting of:

  • Sample \(x_{n+1}\) from \(P_X(x\mid y_n)\)

  • Sample \(y_{n+1}\) from \(P_Y(y\mid x_{n+1})\)

Note that you can use sample_conditional() for both steps by noticing that \(P_Y(y\mid x)\) equals \(P_X(x\mid y)\) when \(x\) and \(y\) are swapped.

def gibbs_update(x, y, s, gen):
    """Perform a single Gibbs update.
    x : float
        Value of x from the previous step.
    y : float
        Value of y from the previous step.
    s : float
        Value of the hyperparameter s.
    gen : np.random.RandomState
        Random state to use for reproducible random samples.
        Tuple (x,y) of the position after the update.
    raise NotImplementedError()
# A correct solution should pass these tests.
s, n = 3, 10000
gen = np.random.RandomState(seed=123)
# Generate steps from (0,0).
xy = np.array([gibbs_update(0, 0, s, gen) for i in range(n)])
assert np.allclose(
    np.percentile(xy[:, 0], (5, 25, 50, 75, 95)),
    [-3.849, -0.502, 0, +0.502, +3.849], atol=0.1, rtol=0.1)
assert np.allclose(
    np.percentile(xy[:, 1], (5, 25, 50, 75, 95)),
    [-2.36, -0.297, 0, +0.297, +2.36], atol=0.1, rtol=0.1)
# Steps from (5,0) have the same distribution.
xy = np.array([gibbs_update(5, 0, s, gen) for i in range(n)])
assert np.allclose(
    np.percentile(xy[:, 0], (5, 25, 50, 75, 95)),
    [-3.849, -0.502, 0, +0.502, +3.849], atol=0.1, rtol=0.1)
assert np.allclose(
    np.percentile(xy[:, 1], (5, 25, 50, 75, 95)),
    [-2.36, -0.297, 0, +0.297, +2.36], atol=0.1, rtol=0.1)
# Steps from (0,-5) have a different distribution.
xy = np.array([gibbs_update(0, -5, s, gen) for i in range(n)])
assert np.allclose(
    np.percentile(xy[:, 0], (5, 25, 50, 75, 95)),
    [-0.548, -0.225, 0, +0.225, +0.548], atol=0.1, rtol=0.1)
assert np.allclose(
    np.percentile(xy[:, 1], (5, 25, 50, 75, 95)),
    [-3.42, -0.391, 0, +0.391, +3.42], atol=0.1, rtol=0.1)

Test your solution with the following visualization:


Problem 4#

If we define the potential energy for a “particle” as:

\[ \Large U(x,y) \equiv -\log P(x,y) \]

it has partial derivatives:

\[ \Large \frac{\partial}{\partial x} U(x,y) = x\, \frac{E_1 / s^2 + E_2 s^2}{E_1 + E_2} \quad, \quad \frac{\partial}{\partial y} U(x,y) = y\, \frac{E_1 s^2 + E_2 / s^2}{E_1 + E_2} \]


\[ \Large E_1(x,y) \equiv \frac{1}{2} \exp\left[-\frac{(x/s)^2 + (y s)^2}{2}\right] \quad, \quad E_2(x,y) \equiv \frac{1}{2} \exp\left[-\frac{(x s)^2 + (y/s)^2}{2}\right] \; . \]

A Hamiltonian MC simulates the trajectory of a particle using the equations of motion:

\[ \Large x \rightarrow x + p_x \Delta t \quad, \quad y \rightarrow y + p_y \Delta t \quad, \quad p_x \rightarrow p_x - \frac{\partial}{\partial x} U(x,y) \Delta t \quad, \quad p_y \rightarrow p_y - \frac{\partial}{\partial y} U(x,y) \Delta t \; , \]

where we have set all masses equal to 1 and the temperature \(k_B T = 1\).

Implement the function below to perform a single \(\Delta t\) step according to the equations above:

def HMC_step(x, y, px, py, s, dt):
    """Perform a single HMC dt step.
    x : float
        Current x position.
    y : float
        Current y position.
    px : float
        Current x momentum.
    py : float
        Current y momentum.
    s : float
        Value of the hyperparameter s.
    dt : float
        Step size to take.
        Tuple (x, y, px, py) with particle position and momentum after this step.
    raise NotImplementedError()
# A correct solution should pass these tests.
assert np.all(HMC_step(0., 0., 0., 0., 3, 1.) == np.array([0.,0.,0.,0.]))
assert np.all(HMC_step(0., 0., 1., 1., 3, 0.) == np.array([0.,0.,1.,1.]))
assert np.all(HMC_step(0., 0., 1., 1., 3, 1.) == np.array([1.,1.,1.,1.]))
assert np.all(HMC_step(0., 0., 1., 1., 3, 2.) == np.array([2.,2.,1.,1.]))
assert np.all(np.round(HMC_step(1., 1., -1., 1., 3, 1.), 3) == np.array([0.,2.,-5.556,-3.556]))
assert np.all(np.round(HMC_step(0., 1., -1., 1., 3, 1.), 3) == np.array([-1.,2.,-1.,0.786]))
assert np.all(np.round(HMC_step(1., 0., -1., 1., 3, 1.), 3) == np.array([0.,1.,-1.214,1.]))

In order to perform an HMC update, we first need to generate random values of the (nuisance) parameters \(p_x\) and \(p_y\), then we follow the resulting particle from its initial conditions through a fixed number of steps. The result of the update is wherever the particle ends up. Note that the only use of random numbers is to generate the particle’s initial momentum.

def HMC_update(x0, y0, s, gen, p_sigma, n_steps, dt):
    """Perform a single HMC update by following a single particle for a fixed time.
    x0 : float
        Initial x position.
    y0 : float
        Initial y position.
    s : float
        Value of the hyperparameter s.
    gen : np.random.RandomState
        Random state to use for reproducible random samples.
    p_sigma : float
        Gaussian sigma for generating random initial (px,py) values.
    n_steps : int
        Number of particle steps to simulate.
    dt : float
        Size of each step.

        Array of shape (n_steps + 1, 4) with the particle position and momentum after each step.
    px0, py0 = gen.normal(scale=p_sigma, size=2)
    path = [(x0, y0, px0, py0)]
    for i in range(n_steps):
        path.append(HMC_step(*path[-1], s, dt))
    return np.array(path)

Finally, use the following visualization to see the particle trajectories from different updates:

def plot_HMC(x0=0, y0=0, s=3, p_sigma=1., n_steps=500, dt=0.01, n_updates=50, lim=5, seed=3, **kwargs):
    gen = np.random.RandomState(seed=seed)
    plot_P(s, lim)
    for i in range(n_updates):
        path = HMC_update(x0, y0, s, gen, p_sigma, n_steps, dt)
        x, y, px, py = np.array(path).T
        plt.scatter(x[-1], y[-1], s=25, c='k')
        plt.plot(x, y, 'b-', lw=1, alpha=0.3)
    plt.xlim(-lim, +lim)
    plt.ylim(-lim, +lim)


  • Initial version: Mark Neubauer

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