Homework 05: Kernel Density Estimation, Covariance and Correlation#

%matplotlib inline
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import seaborn as sns; sns.set()
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
import os.path
import subprocess
import scipy.stats
from sklearn import neighbors, cluster

Helpers for Getting, Loading and Locating Data

def wget_data(url: str):
    local_path = './tmp_data'
    p = subprocess.Popen(["wget", "-nc", "-P", local_path, url], stderr=subprocess.PIPE, encoding='UTF-8')
    rc = None
    while rc is None:
      line = p.stderr.readline().strip('\n')
      if len(line) > 0:
      rc = p.poll()

def locate_data(name, check_exists=True):
    path = os.path.join(local_path, name)
    if check_exists and not os.path.exists(path):
        raise RuxntimeError('No such data file: {}'.format(path))
    return path
blobs_data = pd.read_hdf(locate_data('blobs_data.hf5'))

Problem 1#

In this problem you will implement the core of the E- and M-steps for the Gaussian mixture model (GMM) method. Note the similarities with the E- and M-steps of the K-means method.

First, implement the function below to evaluate the multidimensional Gaussian probability density for arbitrary mean \(\vec{\mu}\) and covariance matrix \(C\) (refer to the lecture for more details on the notation used here):

\[ G(\vec{x} ; \vec{\mu}, C) = \left(2\pi\right)^{-D/2}\,\left| C\right|^{-1/2}\, \exp\left[ -\frac{1}{2} \left(\vec{x} - \vec{\mu}\right)^T C^{-1} \left(\vec{x} - \vec{\mu}\right) \right] \]
def Gaussian_pdf(x, mu, C):
    """Evaluate the Gaussian probability density.
    x : array
        1D array of D feature values for a single sample
    mu : array
        1D array of D mean feature values for this component.
    C : array
        2D array with shape (D, D) of covariance matrix elements for this component.
        Must be positive definite (and therefore symmetric).
        Probability density.
    x = np.asarray(x)
    mu = np.asarray(mu)
    C = np.asarray(C)
    D = len(x)
    assert x.shape == (D,) and mu.shape == (D,)
    assert C.shape == (D, D)
    assert np.allclose(C.T, C)
    raise NotImplementedError()
# A correct solution should pass these tests.
assert np.allclose(Gaussian_pdf([0], [0], [[1]]), 1 / np.sqrt(2 * np.pi))
assert np.allclose(Gaussian_pdf([1], [1], [[1]]), 1 / np.sqrt(2 * np.pi))
assert np.allclose(Gaussian_pdf([0], [0], [[2]]), 1 / np.sqrt(4 * np.pi))
assert np.allclose(Gaussian_pdf([1], [0], [[1]]), np.exp(-0.5) / np.sqrt(2 * np.pi))

assert np.allclose(Gaussian_pdf([0, 0], [0, 0], [[1, 0], [0, 1]]), 1 / (2 * np.pi))
assert np.allclose(Gaussian_pdf([1, 0], [1, 0], [[1, 0], [0, 1]]), 1 / (2 * np.pi))
assert np.allclose(Gaussian_pdf([1, -1], [1, -1], [[1, 0], [0, 1]]), 1 / (2 * np.pi))
assert np.allclose(Gaussian_pdf([1, 0], [1, 0], [[4, 0], [0, 1]]), 1 / (4 * np.pi))

assert np.round(Gaussian_pdf([0, 0], [1, 0], [[4, +1], [+1, 1]]), 5) == 0.07778
assert np.round(Gaussian_pdf([0, 0], [1, 0], [[4, -1], [-1, 1]]), 5) == 0.07778
assert np.round(np.log(Gaussian_pdf([1, 0, -1], [1, 2, 3], [[4, -1, 0], [-1, 1, 0], [0, 0, 2]])), 5) == -10.31936

Next, implement the E-step in the function below. This consists of calculating the relative probability that each sample \(\vec{x}_n\) (\(n\)-th row of \(X\)) belongs to each component \(k\):

\[ p_{nk} = \frac{\omega_k G(\vec{x}_n; \vec{\mu}_k, C_k)} {\sum_{j=1}^K\, \omega_j G(\vec{x}_n; \vec{\mu}_j, C_j)} \]

Note that these relative probabilities (also called responsibilities) sum to one over components \(k\) for each sample \(n\). Also note that we consider the parameters (\(\omega_k\), \(\vec{\mu}_k\), \(C_k\)) of each component fixed during this step. Hint: use your Gaussian_pdf function here.

def E_step(X, w, mu, C):
    """Perform a GMM E-step.
    X : array with shape (N, D)
        Input data consisting of N samples in D dimensions.
    w : array with shape (K,)
        Per-component weights.
    mu : array with shape (K, D)
        Array of mean vectors for each component.
    C : array with shape (K, D, D).
        Array of covariance matrices for each component.
    array with shape (K, N)
        Array of relative probabilities that each sample belongs to
        each component, normalized so that the per-component probabilities
        for each sample sum to one.
    N, D = X.shape
    K = len(w)
    assert w.shape == (K,)
    assert mu.shape == (K, D)
    assert C.shape == (K, D, D)
    raise NotImplementedError()
# A correct solution should pass these tests.
X = np.linspace(-1, 1, 5).reshape(-1, 1)
w = np.full(4, 0.25)
mu = np.array([[-2], [-1], [0], [1]])
C = np.ones((4, 1, 1))
#print(repr(np.round(E_step(X, w, mu, C), 3)))
assert np.all(
    np.round(E_step(X, w, mu, C), 3) ==
    [[ 0.258,  0.134,  0.058,  0.021,  0.006],
     [ 0.426,  0.366,  0.258,  0.152,  0.077],
     [ 0.258,  0.366,  0.426,  0.414,  0.346],
     [ 0.058,  0.134,  0.258,  0.414,  0.57 ]])

X = np.zeros((1, 3))
w = np.ones((2,))
mu = np.zeros((2, 3))
C = np.zeros((2, 3, 3))
diag = range(3)
C[:, diag, diag] = 1
#print(repr(np.round(E_step(X, w, mu, C), 3)))
assert np.all(
    np.round(E_step(X, w, mu, C), 3) ==
    [[ 0.5], [ 0.5]])

X = np.array([[0,0,0], [1,0,0]])
mu = np.array([[0,0,0], [1,0,0]])
#print(repr(np.round(E_step(X, w, mu, C), 3)))
assert np.all(
    np.round(E_step(X, w, mu, C), 3) ==
    [[ 0.622,  0.378], [ 0.378,  0.622]])

gen = np.random.RandomState(seed=123)
K, N, D = 4, 1000, 5
X = gen.normal(size=(N, D))
subsample = X.reshape(K, (N//K), D)
mu = subsample.mean(axis=1)
C = np.empty((K, D, D))
w = gen.uniform(size=K)
w /= w.sum()
for k in range(K):
    C[k] = np.cov(subsample[k], rowvar=False)
#print(repr(np.round(E_step(X, w, mu, C)[:, :5], 3)))
assert np.all(
    np.round(E_step(X, w, mu, C)[:, :5], 3) ==
    [[ 0.422,  0.587,  0.344,  0.279,  0.19 ],
     [ 0.234,  0.11 ,  0.269,  0.187,  0.415],
     [ 0.291,  0.194,  0.309,  0.414,  0.279],
     [ 0.053,  0.109,  0.077,  0.12 ,  0.116]])

Finally, implement the M-step in the function below. During this step, we consider the relative weights \(p_{nk}\) from the previous step fixed and instead update the parameters of each component (which were fixed in the previous step), using:

\[\begin{split} \begin{aligned} \omega_k &= \frac{1}{N}\, \sum_{n=1}^N\, p_{nk} \\ \vec{\mu}_k &= \frac{\sum_{n=1}^N\, p_{nk} \vec{x}_n}{\sum_{n=1}^N\, p_{nk}} \\ C_k &= \frac{\sum_{n=1}^N\, p_{nk} \left( \vec{x}_n - \vec{\mu}_k\right) \left( \vec{x}_n - \vec{\mu}_k\right)^T} {\sum_{n=1}^N\, p_{nk}} \end{aligned} \end{split}\]

Make sure you understand why the last expression yields a matrix rather than a scalar dot product before jumping into the code. (If you would like a numpy challenge, try implementing this function without any loops, e.g., with np.einsum)

def M_step(X, p):
    """Perform a GMM M-step.
    X : array with shape (N, D)
        Input data consisting of N samples in D dimensions.
    p : array with shape (K, N)
        Array of relative probabilities that each sample belongs to
        each component, normalized so that the per-component probabilities
        for each sample sum to one.
        Tuple w, mu, C of arrays with shapes (K,), (K, D) and (K, D, D) giving
        the updated component parameters.
    N, D = X.shape
    K = len(p)
    assert p.shape == (K, N)
    assert np.allclose(p.sum(axis=0), 1)
    raise NotImplementedError()
# A correct solution should pass these tests.
X = np.linspace(-1, 1, 5).reshape(-1, 1)
p = np.full(20, 0.25).reshape(4, 5)
w, mu, C = M_step(X, p)
#print(repr(np.round(w, 5)))
#print(repr(np.round(mu, 5)))
#print(repr(np.round(C, 5)))
assert np.all(np.round(w, 5) == 0.25)
assert np.all(np.round(mu, 5) == 0.0)
assert np.all(np.round(C, 5) == 0.5)

gen = np.random.RandomState(seed=123)
K, N, D = 4, 1000, 5
X = gen.normal(size=(N, D))
p = gen.uniform(size=(K, N))
p /= p.sum(axis=0)
w, mu, C = M_step(X, p)
#print(repr(np.round(w, 5)))
#print(repr(np.round(mu, 5)))
#print(repr(np.round(C[0], 5)))
assert np.all(
    np.round(w, 5) == [ 0.25216,  0.24961,  0.24595,  0.25229])
assert np.all(
    np.round(mu, 5) ==
    [[ 0.06606,  0.06   , -0.00413,  0.01562,  0.00258],
     [ 0.02838,  0.01299,  0.01286,  0.03068, -0.01714],
     [ 0.03157,  0.04558, -0.01206,  0.03493, -0.0326 ],
     [ 0.05467,  0.06293, -0.01779,  0.04454,  0.00065]])
assert np.all(
    np.round(C[0], 5) ==
    [[ 0.98578,  0.01419, -0.03717,  0.01403,  0.0085 ],
     [ 0.01419,  0.95534, -0.02724,  0.03201, -0.00648],
     [-0.03717, -0.02724,  0.90722,  0.00313,  0.0299 ],
     [ 0.01403,  0.03201,  0.00313,  1.02891,  0.0813 ],
     [ 0.0085 , -0.00648,  0.0299 ,  0.0813 ,  0.922  ]])

You have now implemented the core of the GMM algorithm. Next you will use KMeans as a means of seeding the GMM model fit. First we include two helpful functions draw_ellipses and GMM_parplot to help display results. The details of these methods are not important.

from matplotlib.colors import colorConverter, ListedColormap
from matplotlib.collections import EllipseCollection

def draw_ellipses(w, mu, C, nsigmas=2, color='red', outline=None, filled=True, axis=None):
    """Draw a collection of ellipses.

    Uses the low-level EllipseCollection to efficiently draw a large number
    of ellipses. Useful to visualize the results of a GMM fit via
    GMM_pairplot() defined below.

    w : array
        1D array of K relative weights for each ellipse. Must sum to one.
        Ellipses with smaller weights are rendered with greater transparency
        when filled is True.
    mu : array
        Array of shape (K, 2) giving the 2-dimensional centroids of
        each ellipse.
    C : array
        Array of shape (K, 2, 2) giving the 2 x 2 covariance matrix for
        each ellipse.
    nsigmas : float
        Number of sigmas to use for scaling ellipse area to a confidence level.
    color : matplotlib color spec
        Color to use for the ellipse edge (and fill when filled is True).
    outline : None or matplotlib color spec
        Color to use to outline the ellipse edge, or no outline when None.
    filled : bool
        Fill ellipses with color when True, adjusting transparency to
        indicate relative weights.
    axis : matplotlib axis or None
        Plot axis where the ellipse collection should be drawn. Uses the
        current default axis when None.
    # Calculate the ellipse angles and bounding boxes using SVD.
    U, s, _ = np.linalg.svd(C)
    angles = np.degrees(np.arctan2(U[:, 1, 0], U[:, 0, 0]))
    widths, heights = 2 * nsigmas * np.sqrt(s.T)
    # Initialize colors.
    color = colorConverter.to_rgba(color)
    if filled:
        # Use transparency to indicate relative weights.
        ec = np.tile([color], (len(w), 1))
        ec[:, -1] *= w
        fc = np.tile([color], (len(w), 1))
        fc[:, -1] *= w ** 2
    # Data limits must already be defined for axis.transData to be valid.
    axis = axis or plt.gca()
    if outline is not None:
            widths, heights, angles, units='xy', offsets=mu, linewidths=4,
            transOffset=axis.transData, facecolors='none', edgecolors=outline))
    if filled:
            widths, heights, angles, units='xy', offsets=mu, linewidths=2,
            transOffset=axis.transData, facecolors=fc, edgecolors=ec))
            widths, heights, angles, units='xy', offsets=mu, linewidths=2.5,
            transOffset=axis.transData, facecolors='none', edgecolors=color))
def GMM_pairplot(data, w, mu, C, limits=None, entropy=False):
    """Display 2D projections of a Gaussian mixture model fit.

    data : pandas DataFrame
        N samples of D-dimensional data.
    w : array
        1D array of K relative weights for each ellipse. Must sum to one.
    mu : array
        Array of shape (K, 2) giving the 2-dimensional centroids of
        each ellipse.
    C : array
        Array of shape (K, 2, 2) giving the 2 x 2 covariance matrix for
        each ellipse.
    limits : array or None
        Array of shape (D, 2) giving [lo,hi] plot limits for each of the
        D dimensions. Limits are determined by the data scatter when None.
    colnames = data.columns.values
    X = data.values
    N, D = X.shape
    if entropy:
        n_components = len(w)
        # Pick good colors to distinguish the different clusters.
        cmap = ListedColormap(
            sns.color_palette('husl', n_components).as_hex())
        # Calculate the relative probability that each sample belongs to each cluster.
        # This is equivalent to fit.predict_proba(X)
        lnprob = np.zeros((n_components, N))
        for k in range(n_components):
            lnprob[k] = scipy.stats.multivariate_normal.logpdf(X, mu[k], C[k])
        lnprob += np.log(w)[:, np.newaxis]
        prob = np.exp(lnprob)
        prob /= prob.sum(axis=0)
        prob = prob.T
        # Assign each sample to its most probable cluster.
        labels = np.argmax(prob, axis=1)
        color = cmap(labels)
        if n_components > 1:
            # Calculate the relative entropy (0-1) as a measure of cluster assignment ambiguity.
            relative_entropy = -np.sum(prob * np.log(prob), axis=1) / np.log(n_components)
            color[:, :3] *= (1 - relative_entropy).reshape(-1, 1)        
    # Build a pairplot of the results.
    fs = 5 * min(D - 1, 3)
    fig, axes = plt.subplots(D - 1, D - 1, sharex='col', sharey='row',
                             squeeze=False, figsize=(fs, fs))
    for i in range(1, D):
        for j in range(D - 1):
            ax = axes[i - 1, j]
            if j >= i:
            # Plot the data in this projection.
            if entropy:
                ax.scatter(X[:, j], X[:, i], s=5, c=color, cmap=cmap)
                    w, mu[:, [j, i]], C[:, [[j], [i]], [[j, i]]],
                    color='w', outline='k', filled=False, axis=ax)
                ax.scatter(X[:, j], X[:, i], s=10, alpha=0.3, c='k', lw=0)
                    w, mu[:, [j, i]], C[:, [[j], [i]], [[j, i]]],
                    color='red', outline=None, filled=True, axis=ax)
            # Overlay the fit components in this projection.
            # Add axis labels and optional limits.
            if j == 0:
                if limits: ax.set_ylim(limits[i])
            if i == D - 1:
                if limits: ax.set_xlim(limits[j])
    plt.subplots_adjust(hspace=0.02, wspace=0.02)

Here is a simple wrapper that uses KMeans to initialize the relative probabilities to all be either zero or one, based on each sample’s cluster assignment:

def GMM_fit(data, n_components, nsteps, init='random', seed=123):
    X = data.values
    N, D = X.shape
    gen = np.random.RandomState(seed=seed)
    p = np.zeros((n_components, N))
    if init == 'kmeans':
        # Use KMeans to divide the data into clusters.
        fit = cluster.KMeans(n_clusters=n_components, random_state=gen, n_init=10).fit(data)
        # Initialize the relative weights using cluster membership.
        # The initial weights are therefore all either 0 or 1.
        for k in range(n_components):
            p[k, fit.labels_ == k] = 1
        # Assign initial relative weights in quantiles of the first feature.
        # This is not a good initialization strategy, but shows how well
        # GMM converges from a poor starting point.
        x0 = X[:, 0]
        edges = np.percentile(x0, np.linspace(0, 100, n_components + 1))
        for k in range(n_components):
            quantile = (edges[k] <= x0) & (x0 <= edges[k + 1])
            p[k, quantile] = 1.
    # Normalize relative weights.
    p /= p.sum(axis=0)
    # Perform an initial M step to initialize the component params.
    w, mu, C = M_step(X, p)
    # Loop over iterations.
    for i in range(nsteps):
        p = E_step(X, w, mu, C)
        w, mu, C = M_step(X, p)
    # Plot the results.
    GMM_pairplot(data, w, mu, C)

Try this out on the 3D blobs_data and notice that it converges close to the correct solution after 8 iterations:

GMM_fit(blobs_data, 3, nsteps=0)
GMM_fit(blobs_data, 3, nsteps=4)
GMM_fit(blobs_data, 3, nsteps=8)

Convergence is even faster if you use KMeans to initialize the relative weights (which is why most implementations do this):

GMM_fit(blobs_data, 3, nsteps=0, init='kmeans')
GMM_fit(blobs_data, 3, nsteps=1, init='kmeans')

Problem 2#

A density estimator should provide a probability density function \(P(\vec{x})\) that is normalized over its feature space \(\vec{x}\)

\[ \int d\vec{x}\, P(\vec{x}) = 1 \; . \]

In this problem you will verify this normalization for KDE using two different numerical approaches for the integral.

First, implement the function below to accept a 1D KDE fit object and estimate its normalization integral using the trapezoid rule with the specified grid. Hint: the np.trapz function will be useful.

def check_grid_normalization(fit, xlo, xhi, ngrid):
    """Check 1D denstity estimator fit result normlization using grid quadrature.
    fit : neighbors.KernelDensity fit object
        Result of fit to 1D dataset.
    xlo : float
        Low edge of 1D integration range.
    xhi : float
        High edge of 1D integration range.
    ngrid : int
        Number of equally spaced grid points covering [xlo, xhi],
        including both end points.
    raise NotImplementedError()
# A correct solution should pass these tests.
fit = neighbors.KernelDensity(kernel='gaussian', bandwidth=0.1).fit(blobs_data.drop(columns=['x1', 'x2']).values)
assert np.round(check_grid_normalization(fit, 0, 15, 5), 3) == 1.351
assert np.round(check_grid_normalization(fit, 0, 15, 10), 3) == 1.019
assert np.round(check_grid_normalization(fit, 0, 15, 20), 3) == 0.986
assert np.round(check_grid_normalization(fit, 0, 15, 100), 3) == 1.000

fit = neighbors.KernelDensity(kernel='gaussian', bandwidth=0.1).fit(blobs_data.drop(columns=['x0', 'x2']).values)
assert np.round(check_grid_normalization(fit, -4, 12, 5), 3) == 1.108
assert np.round(check_grid_normalization(fit, -4, 12, 10), 3) == 0.993
assert np.round(check_grid_normalization(fit, -4, 12, 20), 3) == 0.971
assert np.round(check_grid_normalization(fit, -4, 12, 100), 3) == 1.000

fit = neighbors.KernelDensity(kernel='gaussian', bandwidth=0.1).fit(blobs_data.drop(columns=['x0', 'x1']).values)
assert np.round(check_grid_normalization(fit, 2, 18, 5), 3) == 1.311
assert np.round(check_grid_normalization(fit, 2, 18, 10), 3) == 0.954
assert np.round(check_grid_normalization(fit, 2, 18, 20), 3) == 1.028
assert np.round(check_grid_normalization(fit, 2, 18, 100), 3) == 1.000

Next, implement the function below to estimate a multidimensional fit normalization using Monte Carlo integration:

\[ \int d\vec{x}\, P(\vec{x}) \simeq \frac{V}{N_{mc}}\, \sum_{j=1}^{N_{mc}} P(\vec{x}_j) = V \langle P\rangle \; , \]

where the \(\vec{x}_j\) are uniformly distributed over the integration domain and \(V\) is the integration domain volume. Note that trapz gives more accurate results for a fixed number of \(P(\vec{x})\) evaluations, but MC integration is much easier to generalize to higher dimensions.

def check_mc_normalization(fit, xlo, xhi, nmc, seed=123):
    """Check denstity estimator fit result normlization using MC integration.
    fit : neighbors.KernelDensity fit object
        Result of fit to arbitrary dataset of dimension D.
    xlo : array
        1D array of length D with low limits of integration domain along each dimension.
    xhi : array
        1D array of length D with high limits of integration domain along each dimension.
    nmc : int
        Number of random MC integration points within the domain to use.
    xlo = np.asarray(xlo)
    xhi = np.asarray(xhi)
    assert xlo.shape == xhi.shape
    assert np.all(xhi > xlo)
    D = len(xlo)
    gen = np.random.RandomState(seed=seed)
    # Use gen.uniform() in your solution, not gen.rand(), for consistent random numbers.
    raise NotImplementedError()
##### A correct solution should pass these tests.
fit = neighbors.KernelDensity(kernel='gaussian', bandwidth=0.1).fit(blobs_data.drop(columns=['x1', 'x2']).values)
assert np.round(check_mc_normalization(fit, [0], [15], 10), 3) == 1.129
assert np.round(check_mc_normalization(fit, [0], [15], 100), 3) == 1.022
assert np.round(check_mc_normalization(fit, [0], [15], 1000), 3) == 1.010
assert np.round(check_mc_normalization(fit, [0], [15], 10000), 3) == 0.999

fit = neighbors.KernelDensity(kernel='gaussian', bandwidth=0.1).fit(blobs_data.drop(columns=['x2']).values)
assert np.round(check_mc_normalization(fit, [0, -4], [15, 12], 10), 3) == 1.754
assert np.round(check_mc_normalization(fit, [0, -4], [15, 12], 100), 3) == 1.393
assert np.round(check_mc_normalization(fit, [0, -4], [15, 12], 1000), 3) == 0.924
assert np.round(check_mc_normalization(fit, [0, -4], [15, 12], 10000), 3) == 1.019

fit = neighbors.KernelDensity(kernel='gaussian', bandwidth=0.1).fit(blobs_data.values)
assert np.round(check_mc_normalization(fit, [0, -4, 2], [15, 12, 18], 10), 3) == 2.797
assert np.round(check_mc_normalization(fit, [0, -4, 2], [15, 12, 18], 100), 3) == 0.613
assert np.round(check_mc_normalization(fit, [0, -4, 2], [15, 12, 18], 1000), 3) == 1.316
assert np.round(check_mc_normalization(fit, [0, -4, 2], [15, 12, 18], 10000), 3) == 1.139

Problem 3#

In this problem, you will study the accuracy of Monte Carlo integration in each of four different expressions, each with some physical significance, shown in the table below:

Expression #





\({x = \int_0^1 7-10t\ dt} \)

\(t\) is time; \(t = [0, 1]\) s

Gives position at
time \(t\) for this system


\({\Delta S}\) \({= \int_{300}^{400}\frac{mc}{T}\ dT }\)

\(m\) is mass; \(m=1\) kg
\(c\) is specific heat capacity; \(c = 4190\) J/kg K
\(T\) is temperature; \(T = [300, 400]\) K

Change in entropy for
thermal processes


\(\Phi = \int_1^2 \frac{Q}{4 \pi \epsilon_o r^2} dr\)

\(r\) is distance; \(r = [1, 2]\) m
\(\epsilon_o\) is the Permittivity of Free Space
\(Q\) is the charge; \(Q = 1\) C

\(\Phi\) is the electric potential energy
gained by moving along line \(r\)


\(I = \int_0^\infty \frac{2 \pi h c^2}{\lambda^5(e^{hc/\lambda k T} - 1)}\ d\lambda\)

\(h\) is Planck’s constant
\(c\) is speed of light
\(k\) is Boltzmann’s Constant
\(T\) is the absolute temperature; T = 400K
\(\lambda\) is wavelength; \(\lambda = [0, \infty]\) m

Planck’s radiation law;
Integrating gives Stefan Boltzmann Law

Analytically integrate each for the region and values provided, and record your answer in the analytical_result variables below:

analytical_result_expr1 = None # replace the None's with your results
analytical_result_expr2 = None
analytical_result_expr3 = None
analytical_result_expr4 = None

Show your work in the cell below, either in a picture file for written derivations or in Latex

Write the each expression to be integrated as a python function.

For example, if I want to integrate the expression

\[ \Large > F = \int 3x^2 + 17\ dx > \]

then my integrand is

\[ \Large > f(x) = 3x^2 + 17 > \]

and I would write the following function:

def integrand(x):
    f_x = 3*np.power(x, 2) + 17
    return f_x

This function takes x as my function argument, and returns the calculated value f_x. Note that I am not yet evaluating the limits of my integrand.

# Helpful constants:
pi = np.pi #unitless
c = 2.99E8 #m/s
h = 6.62607015E-34 #J
k = 1.380649E-23 #J/K
epsilon = 8.854187817E-12 #F/m
sigma = 5.6704E-8 #W/(m^2 K^4)
def integrand(x):
    raise NotImplementedError()

Randomly choose values for x from a distribution between the limits of the definite integral.

Hint: if one of your limits is \(\infty\), it is okay to approximate it with a large number. Another way to do it is to plot [x, f(x)] and visually estimate the most important region of your integration.

lower_limit = # this can be a float
upper_limit = # this can be a float
num_x_vals  = # this must be an integer value less than or equal to 10^8
x_vals = np.random.uniform(lower_limit, upper_limit, num_x_vals)

Calculate the f_x values:

y = integrand(x_vals)
approx_int = ((upper_limit - lower_limit)*np.sum(y))/(num_x_vals - 1)
print(f"The Monte Carlo approximation is {approx_int}")

Calculate the error between the approx_int and the analytical_result variables using one or more of the metrics discussed above

mse = None # replace with your calculation
print(f"The Mean Squared Error is {mse}")

pe = None # replace with your calculation
print(f"The Percent Error is {pe}%")

Finally, we want to visualize how the error decreases as the number of random trials num_x_vals increases. Write code to the do the following:

  • Using the error metric you decided on above, write a for-loop that calculates the error as a function of the number of points you sampled. For example, calculate the error when you summed two values of \(\langle F^N \rangle\), then calculate the error for three summed values of \(\langle F^N \rangle\), and so on until you have calculated the errors for the full range of \(\langle F^N \rangle\).

  • IMPORTANT: You do not need to re-do the experiment to calculate this analysis; if you do it will slow down your for-loop and potentially crash your notebook kernel. Instead, you will want to reuse all of the integrand values are stored in the y variable. Python indexing into this list using the y[:N] functionality will give you the first N values in this list. The first N values can then be used to calculate a \(\langle F^N \rangle\) value for the first N samples.

  • Make a figure showing how the error changes with the number of values in the sum.

error_data = [] 
# Write code here to fill error_data with the percentage error corresponding to each of the number of points you sampled in the MC integration

Finally, plot it

plt.plot(np.linspace(2, 2000000, 1999998, endpoint=True), error_data)
plt.xlabel("Number of Values in Sum")
plt.ylabel("Percent Error")

Answer the following questions:

  • Model vs Simulation: In your own words, describe the difference between a model and a simulation. Give your own example of a model, and how you would simulate it.


  • Markov Chain: In your own words, describe a Markov Chain and its properties. Give your own example of a stochastic system and how you would implement a Markov Chain for it.



  • Initial version: Mark Neubauer

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